Sunday, November 9, 2008

Do I have to introduce myself? Can't I just be mysterious?

No, I'm kidding. I don't mind introductions, awkward as they may be. I'm Louise, nicknamed Lissa, I'm a sophomore, and I'm double majoring in Chemistry and Physics. I *wanted* to have a minor in Materials Science and Engineering (MSAE), but The Powers that Be said I can't cross schools. It's complicated and they're mean.
But anyways, even though I'm double majoring, Chemistry and Materials Science are my passions. I've done some research in MSAE at Johns Hopkins University, but none at Columbia (yet!). Like Ivy, I speak German, but she's more serious about it than I am. I also enjoy art, and make art and jewelry in my spare time (not that I have any usually, I mean seriously...) I attempt to sell said art and jewelry online, I think you can see my other blogs/Etsy websites in my profile. Yes, that was a shameless plug, but it won't happen often, promise.
I'm also in the Columbia University Marching Band (CUMB), and I love it. I play bass drum (the big one!) and twirl (pretty much anything I can get my hands on). It's a big part of my life.
To relax when I'm not running around like a chicken with my head cut off I play video games, mostly with Sam and Mike.
Oh, something else that is valuable in this discussion is how we all know each other! Last year, Ivy, Sam, Mike, and I lived in the same place. This year, Sam, Mike, Noah, and Charline live together, and Ivy and I hang around in their suite a lot. A LOT. We're goofy and fun, and generally enjoy hanging out with each other, which is probably good considering we're stuck together a good amount.
I think that's all! Signing off,

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